/* This is part of WHY2 Copyright (C) 2022 Václav Šmejkal This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include //LINKED LIST STUFF (BIT CHANGED memory.c'S VERSION) typedef struct node { int connection; pthread_t thread; struct node *next; } node_t; //SINGLE LINKED LIST node_t *head = NULL; void push_to_list(int connection, pthread_t thread) { //CREATE NODE node_t *new_node = malloc(sizeof(node_t)); node_t *buffer = head; new_node -> connection = connection; new_node -> thread = thread; new_node -> next = NULL; if (head == NULL) //INIT LIST { head = new_node; } else { while (buffer -> next != NULL) buffer = buffer -> next; //GET TO THE END OF LIST buffer -> next = new_node; //LINK } } void remove_node(node_t *node) { if (node == NULL) return; //NULL NODE node_t *buffer_1 = head; node_t *buffer_2; while (buffer_1 -> next != NULL) //GO TROUGH EVERY ELEMENT IN LIST { if (buffer_1 == node) break; //FOUND (IF THE WHILE GOES TROUGH THE WHOLE LIST WITHOUT THE break, I ASSUME THE LAST NODE IS THE CORRECT ONE) buffer_1 = buffer_1 -> next; } if (node != buffer_1) return; //node WASN'T FOUND if (buffer_1 == head) //node WAS THE FIRST NODE IN THE LIST { //UNLINK head = buffer_1 -> next; } else //wdyt { //GET THE NODE BEFORE node buffer_2 = head; while (buffer_2 -> next != buffer_1) buffer_2 = buffer_2 -> next; //UNLINK buffer_2 -> next = buffer_1 -> next; } //DEALLOCATION free(node); } node_t *get_node(int connection) { if (head == NULL) return NULL; //EMPTY LIST node_t *buffer = head; while (buffer -> next != NULL) { if (buffer -> connection == connection) return buffer; buffer = buffer -> next; } if (connection != buffer -> connection) buffer = NULL; //PREVENT FROM RETURNING INVALID NODE return buffer; } //GLOBAL void why2_send_socket(char *text, int socket) { unsigned short text_length = (unsigned short) strlen(text) + 2; char *final = why2_calloc(text_length, sizeof(char)); //SPLIT LENGTH INTO TWO CHARS final[0] = (unsigned) text_length & 0xff; final[1] = (unsigned) text_length >> 8; for (int i = 2; i < text_length; i++) //APPEND { final[i] = text[i - 2]; } //SEND send(socket, final, text_length, 0); why2_deallocate(final); } void *why2_communicate_thread(void *arg) { why2_connection_t connection = *(why2_connection_t*) arg; printf("User connected.\t%d\n", connection.connection); push_to_list(connection.connection, connection.thread); const time_t startTime = time(NULL); char *received = NULL; while (time(NULL) - startTime < 86400) //KEEP COMMUNICATION ALIVE FOR 24 HOURS { received = why2_read_socket(connection.connection); //READ if (received == NULL) return NULL; //FAILED; EXIT THREAD if (strcmp(received, "!exit\n") == 0) break; //USER REQUESTED PROGRAM EXIT printf("Received:\n%s\n\n", received); why2_deallocate(received); } printf("User exited.\t%d\n", connection.connection); //DEALLOCATION remove_node(get_node(connection.connection)); close(*((int*) arg)); why2_deallocate(received); return NULL; } char *why2_read_socket(int socket) { if (socket == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Reading socket failed.\n"); return NULL; } unsigned short content_size = 0; char *content_buffer = why2_calloc(3, sizeof(char)); //GET LENGTH if (recv(socket, content_buffer, 2, 0) != 2) return NULL; content_size = (unsigned short) (((unsigned) content_buffer[1] << 8) | content_buffer[0]); why2_deallocate(content_buffer); //ALLOCATE content_buffer = why2_calloc(content_size + 1, sizeof(char)); //READ FINAL MESSAGE if (recv(socket, content_buffer, content_size, 0) != content_size - 2) fprintf(stderr, "Socket probably read wrongly!\n"); return content_buffer; } void *why2_accept_thread(void *socket) { int accepted; pthread_t thread; why2_connection_t connection_buffer; //LOOP ACCEPT for (;;) { accepted = accept(*((int*) socket), (SA *) NULL, NULL); //ACCEPT NEW SOCKET //TODO: CLOSE (not only this one) if (accepted == -1) continue; connection_buffer = (why2_connection_t) { accepted, thread }; pthread_create(&thread, NULL, why2_communicate_thread, &connection_buffer); } } void why2_clean_threads(void) { if (head == NULL) return; //EMPTY LIST node_t *node_buffer = head; node_t *node_buffer_2; while (node_buffer -> next != NULL) //GO TROUGH LIST { node_buffer_2 = node_buffer; node_buffer = node_buffer -> next; remove_node(node_buffer_2); //REMOVE } }