/* This is part of WHY2 Copyright (C) 2022 Václav Šmejkal This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifndef WHY2_FLAGS_H #define WHY2_FLAGS_H //CONSTS const enum EXIT_CODES //exit codes you fucking idiot { SUCCESS = 0, //EXIT CODE FOR SUCCESSFUL RUN INVALID_KEY = 1, //EXIT VALUE FOR INVALID KEY INVALID_TEXT = 4, //EXIT VALUE FOR INVALID TEXT DOWNLOAD_FAILED = 2, //EXIT VALUE FOR versions.json DOWNLOAD FAILED UPDATE_FAILED = 3 //EXIT VALUE FOR UPDATE FAILED }; #define VERSION "v4.3.2" //VERSION OF CURRENT BUILD > DO NOT TOUCH THIS < #define VERSIONS_URL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ENGO150/WHY2/release/versions.json" //URL FOR GETTING versions.json #define VERSIONS_NAME "/tmp/why2-versions.json" //do I have to explain this? #define UPDATE_URL "https://github.com/ENGO150/WHY2.git" // REPOSITORY URL FOR UPDATES (YOU DON'T SAY) #define UPDATE_NAME "/tmp/why2-update" // fuck you #define UPDATE_COMMAND "tmux new-session -d \"cd {DIR} && make install\"" #define TEST_TEXT "aAzZ( )!?#\\/śŠ <3|420*;㍿㊓ㅅΔ♛👶🏿" //TEST TEXT FOR ENCRYPTION IN why2-test BINARY #define TEXT_TO_ENCRYPT "Some text yk" //THIS TEXT WILL BE ENCRYPTED IN why2-app BINARY #define CLEAR_SCREEN "\e[1;1H\e[2J" //TEXT FOR UNIX CLEAR SCREEN #define CURL_TIMEOUT 3 //if you need comment explaining, what the fuck is timeout, don't change WHY2's code, alright? thx, love ya #define NOT_FOUND_TRIES 10 //NUMBER OF TRIES FOR DOWNLOADING versions.json #define DEPRECATED __attribute__((deprecated)) //SAME COMMENT AS VERSIONS_NAME'S #define UNUSED __attribute__((unused)) //SAME COMMENT AS DEPRECATED'S //TYPES typedef char boolean; //READ THE NAME OR I WILL FIND YOU AND FUCK YOUR MOTHERFUCKING DOG!!! typedef int (*encryptionOperation_type_cb)(int, int); //TYPE FOR encryptionOperation CALLBACK typedef struct { boolean noCheck; //BOOLEAN FOR SKIPPING VERSION CHECK boolean noOutput; //BOOLEAN FOR NOT PRINTING OUTPUT WHEN ENCRYPTING/DECRYPTING boolean update; //BOOLEAN FOR UPDATING YOUR WHY VERSION IF OLD IS USED } inputFlags; typedef struct { char *outputText; //VARIABLE FOR ENCRYPTED/DECRYPTED TEXT char *usedKey; //VARIABLE FOR USED/GENERATED KEY unsigned long unusedKeySize; //VARIABLE FOR COUNT OF UNUSED CHARACTERS IN KEY unsigned long repeatedKeySize; //VARIABLE FOR COUNT OF REPEATED CHARACTERS IN KEY (basically reversed unusedKeySize) unsigned long elapsedTime; //VARIABLE FOR ELAPSED TIME IN MICROSECONDS => 1s = 1000000µs boolean exitCode; //VARIABLE FOR EXIT CODE } outputFlags; //NOTE: Variables were moved to 'flags.c' to force y'all using getters //GETTERS char getEncryptionSeparator(void); unsigned long getKeyLength(void); inputFlags getDefaultFlags(void); //THIS GENERATES inputFlags WITH DEFAULT VALUES inputFlags getFlags(void); //RETURNS USED FLAGS outputFlags noOutput(boolean exitCode); //SAME AS getDefaultFlags() BUT FOR outputFlags encryptionOperation_type_cb getEncryptionOperation(void); //RETURNS FUNCTION WHICH IS USED FOR ENCRYPTION & DECRYPTION boolean getFlagsChanged(void); //SETTERS void setEncryptionSeparator(char encryptionSeparatorNew); void setKeyLength(int keyLengthNew); void setFlags(inputFlags newFlags); //.... whatcha think? void setEncryptionOperation(encryptionOperation_type_cb newEncryptionOperation); //are you that dumb? #endif