/* This is part of WHY2 Copyright (C) 2022 Václav Šmejkal This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <why2/chat/misc.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <json-c/json.h> #include <why2/chat/config.h> #include <why2/chat/flags.h> #include <why2/llist.h> #include <why2/memory.h> #include <why2/misc.h> pthread_t getline_thread; //LINKED LIST STUFF typedef struct _connection_node { int connection; pthread_t thread; } connection_node_t; //SINGLE LINKED LIST why2_list_t connection_list = WHY2_LIST_EMPTY; why2_list_t waiting_list = WHY2_LIST_EMPTY; char *get_string_from_json(struct json_object *json, char *string) { struct json_object *object; json_object_object_get_ex(json, string, &object); return (char*) json_object_get_string(object); } char *get_string_from_json_string(char *json, char *string) { struct json_object *json_obj = json_tokener_parse(json); char *returning = get_string_from_json(json_obj, string); //DEALLOCATION json_object_put(json_obj); //GET STRINGS return returning; } void *send_to_all(void *json) { why2_node_t _first_node = (why2_node_t) { NULL, connection_list.head }; why2_node_t *node_buffer = &_first_node; connection_node_t connection_buffer; //PARSE struct json_object *json_obj = json_tokener_parse((char*) json); char *message = get_string_from_json(json_obj, "message"); char *username = get_string_from_json(json_obj, "username"); if (json_obj == NULL) return NULL; //EXIT IF INVALID SYNTAX WAS SENT while (node_buffer -> next != NULL) //SEND TO ALL CONNECTIONS { node_buffer = node_buffer -> next; connection_buffer = *(connection_node_t*) node_buffer -> value; why2_send_socket(message, username, connection_buffer.connection); //SEND TO CLIENT } //DEALLOCATION json_object_put(json_obj); return NULL; } void append(char **destination, char *key, char *value) { char *output = why2_calloc(strlen(*destination) + strlen(key) + strlen(value) + 7, sizeof(char)); sprintf(output, "%s%s\"%s\":\"%s\"", *destination, strcmp(*destination, "") == 0 ? "" : ",", key, value); why2_deallocate(*destination); *destination = output; } void add_brackets(char **json) { char *output = why2_calloc(strlen(*json) + 3, sizeof(char)); sprintf(output, "{%s}", *json); why2_deallocate(*json); *json = output; } char *read_socket_raw(int socket) { if (socket == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Reading socket failed.\n"); return NULL; } unsigned short content_size = 0; char *content_buffer = why2_calloc(3, sizeof(char)); //GET LENGTH if (recv(socket, content_buffer, 2, 0) != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Getting message length failed!\n"); return NULL; } content_size = (unsigned short) (((unsigned) content_buffer[1] << 8) | content_buffer[0]); why2_deallocate(content_buffer); //ALLOCATE content_buffer = why2_calloc(content_size + 1, sizeof(char)); //READ JSON MESSAGE if (recv(socket, content_buffer, content_size, 0) != content_size - 2) fprintf(stderr, "Socket probably read wrongly!\n"); content_buffer[content_size - 2] = '\0'; //TODO: Possible problems return content_buffer; } void *read_socket_raw_thread(void *socket) { return read_socket_raw(*(int*) socket); } char *read_socket_from_raw(char *raw) { char *final_message; struct json_object *json_obj = json_tokener_parse(raw); if (json_obj == NULL) return "ERR"; //RETURN IF INVALID SYNTAX WAS SENT BY SOME FUCKING SCRIPT KIDDIE //GET STRINGS char *message = get_string_from_json(json_obj, "message"); char *username = get_string_from_json(json_obj, "username"); //ALLOCATE final_message final_message = why2_calloc(strlen(message) + strlen(username) + 3, sizeof(char)); //BUILD final_message sprintf(final_message, "%s: %s", username, message); //DEALLOCATION json_object_put(json_obj); return final_message; } void remove_json_syntax_characters(char *text) { for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(text); i++) //TODO: DO SOMETHING MORE { if (text[i] == '\"') { text[i] = '\''; } } } void *stop_oldest_thread(void *id) { sleep(WHY2_COMMUNICATION_TIME); //yk wait if (waiting_list.head == NULL) return NULL; if (**(pthread_t**) waiting_list.head -> value == *(pthread_t*) id) //THREAD IS STILL ALIVE, I HOPE { //KILL THE THREAD pthread_cancel(*(pthread_t*) id); why2_list_remove(&waiting_list, why2_list_find(&waiting_list, id)); } return NULL; } why2_node_t *find_request(void *thread) //COPIED FROM why2_list_find; using double pointers { why2_node_t *head = waiting_list.head; if (head == NULL) return NULL; //EMPTY LIST why2_node_t *buffer = head; while (buffer -> next != NULL) { if (*(void**) buffer -> value == thread) return buffer; buffer = buffer -> next; } if (thread != *(void**) buffer -> value) buffer = NULL; //PREVENT FROM RETURNING INVALID NODE return buffer; } why2_node_t *find_connection(int connection) { why2_node_t *head = connection_list.head; if (head == NULL) return NULL; //EMPTY LIST why2_node_t *buffer = head; while (buffer -> next != NULL) { if ((*(connection_node_t*) buffer -> value).connection == connection) return buffer; buffer = buffer -> next; } if (connection != (*(connection_node_t*) buffer -> value).connection) buffer = NULL; //PREVENT FROM RETURNING INVALID NODE return buffer; } char *read_user(int connection, void **raw_ptr) { //VARIABLES void *buffer; pthread_t thread_buffer; pthread_t thread_deletion_buffer; //RESET VARIABLES *raw_ptr = NULL; buffer = &thread_buffer; //READ pthread_create(&thread_buffer, NULL, read_socket_raw_thread, &connection); why2_list_push(&waiting_list, &buffer, sizeof(buffer)); //RUN DELETION THREAD pthread_create(&thread_deletion_buffer, NULL, stop_oldest_thread, &thread_buffer); //WAIT FOR MESSAGE pthread_join(thread_buffer, raw_ptr); why2_list_remove(&waiting_list, find_request(&thread_buffer)); pthread_cancel(thread_deletion_buffer); if (*raw_ptr == WHY2_INVALID_POINTER || *raw_ptr == NULL) return NULL; //QUIT COMMUNICATION IF INVALID PACKET WAS RECEIVED return (char*) *raw_ptr; } //GLOBAL void why2_send_socket(char *text, char *username, int socket) { char *output = why2_strdup(""); size_t length_buffer = strlen(text); char *text_copy = why2_calloc(length_buffer + 2, sizeof(char)); struct json_object *json = json_tokener_parse("{}"); //COPY text INTO text_copy (WITHOUT LAST CHARACTER WHEN NEWLINE IS AT THE END) if (text[length_buffer - 1] == '\n') length_buffer--; strncpy(text_copy, text, length_buffer); //UNFUCK QUOTES FROM text_copy remove_json_syntax_characters(text_copy); //ADD OBJECTS json_object_object_add(json, "message", json_object_new_string(text_copy)); json_object_object_add(json, "username", json_object_new_string(username)); //GENERATE JSON STRING json_object_object_foreach(json, key, value) { append(&output, key, (char*) json_object_get_string(value)); } add_brackets(&output); why2_deallocate(text_copy); json_object_put(json); unsigned short text_length = (unsigned short) strlen(output) + 2; char *final = why2_calloc(text_length, sizeof(char)); //SPLIT LENGTH INTO TWO CHARS final[0] = (unsigned) text_length & 0xff; final[1] = (unsigned) text_length >> 8; for (int i = 2; i < text_length; i++) //APPEND { final[i] = output[i - 2]; } //SEND send(socket, final, text_length, 0); //DEALLOCATION why2_deallocate(final); why2_deallocate(output); } void *why2_communicate_thread(void *arg) { int connection = *(int*) arg; connection_node_t node = (connection_node_t) { connection, pthread_self() }; why2_list_push(&connection_list, &node, sizeof(node)); //ADD TO LIST printf("User connected.\t\t%d\n", connection); //GET USERNAME char *string_buffer = why2_replace(WHY2_CHAT_CONFIG_DIR "/" WHY2_CHAT_CONFIG_SERVER, "{USER}", getenv("USER")); char *config_username = why2_toml_read(string_buffer, "user_pick_username"); if (config_username == NULL || strcmp(config_username, "true") == 0) { if (config_username == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "Your config doesn't contain 'user_pick_username'. Please update your configuration.\n"); why2_send_socket(WHY2_CHAT_CODE_PICK_USERNAME, WHY2_CHAT_SERVER_USERNAME, connection); } else { //TODO: Implement Database } why2_deallocate(string_buffer); why2_toml_read_free(config_username); char *received = NULL; char *raw = why2_strdup(""); void *raw_ptr = NULL; char *decoded_buffer; pthread_t thread_buffer; why2_bool exiting = 0; struct json_object *json = json_tokener_parse("{}"); //SEND CONNECTION MESSAGE json_object_object_add(json, "message", json_object_new_string("anon connected")); json_object_object_add(json, "username", json_object_new_string(WHY2_CHAT_SERVER_USERNAME)); //TODO: Usernames json_object_object_foreach(json, key, value) //GENERATE JSON STRING { append(&raw, key, (char*) json_object_get_string(value)); } add_brackets(&raw); pthread_create(&thread_buffer, NULL, send_to_all, raw); //SEND pthread_join(thread_buffer, NULL); why2_deallocate(raw); while (!exiting) //KEEP COMMUNICATION ALIVE FOR 5 MINUTES [RESET TIMER AT MESSAGE SENT] { if ((raw = read_user(connection, &raw_ptr)) == NULL) break; //READ //REMOVE CONTROL CHARACTERS FROM raw for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(raw); i++) { if (raw[i] == '\\') raw[i] = '/'; } decoded_buffer = get_string_from_json_string(raw, "message"); //DECODE if (decoded_buffer[0] == '!') //COMMANDS { if (strcmp(decoded_buffer, "!exit") == 0) //USER REQUESTED EXIT { exiting = 1; } else { why2_send_socket(WHY2_CHAT_CODE_INVALID_COMMAND, WHY2_CHAT_SERVER_USERNAME, connection); } goto deallocation; //IGNORE MESSAGES BEGINNING WITH '!' } pthread_create(&thread_buffer, NULL, send_to_all, raw); pthread_join(thread_buffer, NULL); deallocation: why2_deallocate(raw); why2_deallocate(raw_ptr); why2_deallocate(decoded_buffer); } if (exiting) why2_send_socket(WHY2_CHAT_CODE_SSQC, WHY2_CHAT_SERVER_USERNAME, connection); printf("User disconnected.\t%d\n", connection); //DEALLOCATION close(connection); why2_list_remove(&connection_list, find_connection(connection)); return NULL; } char *why2_read_socket(int socket) { char *raw_socket = read_socket_raw(socket); char *final_message; struct json_object *json_obj = json_tokener_parse(raw_socket); //GET STRINGS char *message = get_string_from_json(json_obj, "message"); char *username = get_string_from_json(json_obj, "username"); //ALLOCATE final_message final_message = why2_calloc(strlen(message) + strlen(username) + 3, sizeof(char)); //BUILD final_message sprintf(final_message, "%s: %s", username, message); //DEALLOCATION why2_deallocate(raw_socket); json_object_put(json_obj); return final_message; } void *why2_accept_thread(void *socket) { int accepted; pthread_t thread; //LOOP ACCEPT for (;;) { accepted = accept(*((int*) socket), (WHY2_SA *) NULL, NULL); //ACCEPT NEW SOCKET if (accepted == -1) continue; pthread_create(&thread, NULL, why2_communicate_thread, &accepted); } return NULL; } void why2_clean_connections(void) { why2_node_t *head = connection_list.head; if (head == NULL) return; //EMPTY LIST why2_node_t *node_buffer = head; why2_node_t *node_buffer_2; connection_node_t connection_buffer; do //GO TROUGH LIST { node_buffer_2 = node_buffer; node_buffer = node_buffer -> next; connection_buffer = *(connection_node_t*) node_buffer_2 -> value; why2_send_socket(WHY2_CHAT_CODE_SSQC, WHY2_CHAT_SERVER_USERNAME, connection_buffer.connection); close(connection_buffer.connection); why2_list_remove(&connection_list, node_buffer_2); //REMOVE } while (node_buffer != NULL); } void why2_clean_threads(void) { why2_node_t *head = waiting_list.head; if (head == NULL) return; //EMPTY LIST why2_node_t *node_buffer = head; why2_node_t *node_buffer_2; do //GO TROUGH LIST { node_buffer_2 = node_buffer; node_buffer = node_buffer -> next; pthread_cancel(**(pthread_t**)(node_buffer_2 -> value)); why2_list_remove(&waiting_list, node_buffer_2); //REMOVE } while (node_buffer != NULL); } void *why2_listen_server(void *socket) { char *read = NULL; why2_bool exiting = 0; printf(">>> "); fflush(stdout); while (!exiting) { read = why2_read_socket(*((int*) socket)); if (strncmp(read, WHY2_CHAT_SERVER_USERNAME ": code", 12) == 0) //CODE WAS SENT { if (strcmp(read + 8, WHY2_CHAT_CODE_SSQC) == 0) { printf("%s\nServer closed the connection.\n", WHY2_CLEAR_AND_GO_UP); fflush(stdout); pthread_cancel(getline_thread); //CANCEL CLIENT getline exiting = 1; //EXIT THIS THREAD } else if (strcmp(read + 8, WHY2_CHAT_CODE_PICK_USERNAME) == 0) //PICK USERNAME { //TODO: Check username } else if (strcmp(read + 8, WHY2_CHAT_CODE_INVALID_COMMAND) == 0) //PICK USERNAME { printf("\nInvalid command!\n\n"); fflush(stdout); goto continue_input; } } else { printf("%s%s\n\n", WHY2_CLEAR_AND_GO_UP, read); continue_input: printf(">>> "); fflush(stdout); } why2_deallocate(read); } return NULL; } void *why2_getline_thread(WHY2_UNUSED void* arg) { getline_thread = pthread_self(); char *line = NULL; size_t line_length = 0; if (getline(&line, &line_length, stdin) == -1) why2_die("Reading input failed."); return line; }