ENGO150 9823b5044a
added elapsedTime to outputFlags
this returns elapsed time in microseconds
2022-05-30 19:09:47 +02:00

18 lines
782 B

#ifndef WHY2_MISC_H
#define WHY2_MISC_H
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <why2/flags.h>
void checkVersion(inputFlags flags); //THIS FUNCTION CHECKS IF LATEST VERSION OF WHY2 IS USED
void generateTextKeyChain(char *key, int *textKeyChain, int textKeyChainSize); //GENERATES ARRAY FOR ENCRYPTION/DECRYPTION
void deallocateOutput(outputFlags flags); //DEALLOCATES flags
void checkKey(char *key, inputFlags flags); //CHECKS IF KEY IS VALID
void checkText(char *text, inputFlags flags); //CHECKS IF TEXT IS VALID
unsigned long countIntLength(int number); //RETURNS LENGTH OF number
unsigned long countUnusedKeySize(char *text, char *key); //COUNT unusedKeySize
unsigned long compareTimeMicro(struct timeval startTime, struct timeval finishTime); //COMPARE TIMES IN MICROSECONDS